School's project is getting tighter and tighter, I've even dreamed about doing homework =___=;
I've finally making friend with 3D max, even though my fingers still tend to use left mouse+alt to move or rotate object. ;p the impact bomb's concept has done, and the rough model is done during the week. Today, I learned how to UV in max, and I have to say, compare to maya, max's UV mapping system is SO MUCH EASIER and smarter; e.g. max can automatically move and line up a whole UV piece while stitching up the edge, not like in Maya, you can to manually move the UV sets, and if you don't line up the UV well, the texture gets distorted. , and even in the UV mapping, everything modify button can be set as hot key. When Sean's demonstrating, my eyes can't catch up with his speed @ v @" the hot key modification is really powerful!!! anyway, I think I liking max more and more while I'm learning it :)
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